This is my first blog post for this year and I'm very excited. This year will be fun and full of learning. Theses blogs will help us with our collaboration skills and it will also help us with our creativity. The reason we are doing these E-folios is of online communication and reflections.
9/14/2012 04:22:53 am

I absolutely love your banner, but I think you could put all your subjects, Art, Math, Socials ect, into a Subjects page, like we were supposed to, bye!

10/11/2012 02:42:05 pm

I'm happy to hear that you are excited to learn! That's what it's all about, "LEARNING!"

1/19/2013 04:26:10 am

I would like to see what you do and more of your passions and maybe you could make regular blog posts.

1/20/2013 11:56:55 am

SpongeBob, I think that you should have a 'daily blog' instead of having others.

1/30/2013 07:09:05 am

I still think you should have erase this blog because you already have a blog.

1/30/2013 07:26:28 am

cool website

1/30/2013 10:45:38 am

I like your website a lot! However, I do think you should try to update your website more often.

Hello Kitty
1/30/2013 11:01:18 am

1.) Are you looking forward to blog more often?
2.) How do you think you can improve your website?

1/30/2013 11:36:27 am

You did a goods job but I think you should post more often, and also with pictures/Videos.


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